Activities of Daily Living Assessment (ADL)

Our Activities of Daily Living assessment evaluates an individual's ability to perform essential tasks necessary for independent living, providing valuable insights to tailor personalised rehabilitation plans.

Activities of Daily Living Assessment (ADL)

Activities of Daily Living Assessment

Activities of Daily Living Assessment (ADL)



Activities of Daily Living Assessment (ADL)

Activities of Daily Living Assessment

An activities of daily living (ADL) assessment analyses an individual’s functional performance in the areas of personal, self-care, domestic and general home maintenance activities in and around the home.

We offer comprehensive ADL assessments to evaluate an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks. These assessments are crucial for determining the level of support required to maintain independence and enhance the quality of life.

An Occupational Therapist (OT) determines:

  • whether task performance can be modified and if so, is able to recommend task modification education
  • whether an individual requires any equipment to increase their independence and the length of time this would be required for.  The most cost effective solution is identified (e.g. short term hire, or purchase of the equipment).
  • whether any care assistance is required for a specific period of time (e.g. following surgery), and provides specific recommendations.  The assistance may include: domestic assistance, attendant care assistance, gardening/ home maintenance assistance, etc.
  • whether home modifications are required.  Our OT’s are able to recommend simple modifications such as installation of a shower rail / stair rail etc, however for more complex home modifications we will seek specialist input.
  • This assessment can be performed under CTP, NDIS, WorkCover and WorkSafe schemes, TPD, Lifetime care and support,  medico-legal and Comcare.
  • Recommendations made are always the option that provides the highest level of independence, with equipment and modifications being recommended only if necessary.

Examples strategies that can be recommended following an ADL assessment include: task modification education, home based activity plans, energy conservation education, fatigue management plans, equipment. care assistance review (as the aim is to progress to independence wherever possible), and education in alternative dressing techniques (e.g. one-handed dressing).


Services, Sydney Rehabilitation Services



18000-73422 (REHAB)

Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

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