Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) at Rehabilitation Specialists: Your Path to a Successful Return to Work

At Rehabilitation Specialists, we understand the critical role Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) play in determining an individual’s ability to perform work-specific tasks. Our FCE services are designed to offer a comprehensive and objective measure of your functional capabilities, helping you navigate the path to a successful return to work.

What is a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a thorough assessment used to evaluate an individual’s physical and functional ability to perform job-related tasks. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing a health condition, or facing the challenges of a job modification, an FCE provides detailed insights into your readiness to return to work.

It helps in:

  • Assessing Work Readiness: Determine if you’re physically and functionally prepared to resume your job duties.
  • Creating Return-to-Work Strategies: Develop effective strategies and tailored plans to facilitate a smooth transition back into the workplace.
  • Evaluating Job Performance: Understand your capability to meet the specific demands of your job.

Standardised FCE:

Using the WorkHab standardised assessment protocol. The assessment can be performed at a workplace testing a combination of structured tests combined with actual workplace based tasks using the tools and equipment required for the job; or in our clinic where we try to simulate the job requirements as best as possible or where there is no specific job and we are establishing an individuals capacity, we will test a range of demands that may include lifting, carrying, postural tolerances (sitting, standing, reaching, etc), dynamic tolerances (walking, stair climbing, crawling, etc)  and pushing/pulling.

Specific functional testing:

This is a shortened version of an FCE that targets up six work related tasks. This approach is ideal to perform at the workplace and can be very useful when wanting to test specific components of the job role to assist in facilitating upgrades.

Desk based FCE: 

We have designed a desk based FCE that is specifically relevant for individuals working in office based roles. The FCE can be performed at the workplace or in the clinic and tests office based activities. The assessment can incorporate testing for the use of sit/stand desks.

FCE to identify capacity and to suggest ways to modify a role/ introduce assistive equipment, for people with disability:

The Rehabilitation Specialists we are passionate about bridging the gap between workplaces and people with disability. We are able to offer FCE’s that can assist to clearly establish capacity (our experienced assessors tailor the FCE depending on individual requirements and goals), and where there are barriers we are able to propose suggested adjustments such as task modification or assistive equipment. This information can then be used by the individual to clearly explain to potential or current employers how a job can be effectively performed. Referrals can be made by employers, people with disability, NDIS plan providers, DES providers or any other sources.

Home/ADL based FCE:

An FCE can be very useful to objectively assess capacity for an individual to undertake activities of daily living. This can be in a pre-vocational context where a return to performance of ADL’s needs to occur prior to progression to return to work, or for individuals who may have been in a motor vehicle accident and their pre-disability activities were all related to activities of daily living.

Medico-legal FCE:

A number of our assessors are also able to undertake FCE’s for medico legal purposes whether this be a home/ ADL based FCE or a standardised FCE for work related functional tasks.

How to Get Started

Ready to explore how our Functional Capacity Evaluations can support your return to work? Contact us at today to discuss your needs and learn more about our tailored FCE services. Our team is here to provide the guidance and support you need every step of the way.



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Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

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