Coaching Services

The Coaching provides an avenue alongside the rehabilitation process, that the injured worker commits to being involved in. The coaching also provides another set of eyes on the case that can provide additional ideas, and be from a different professional discipline to the consultant managing the rehabilitation process. Agreeing to participate in coaching also demonstrates commitment by the individual to try and do whatever they can to achieve their RTW goal.


Abilita: This is a unique biopsychosocial rehabilitation tool that involves comprehensive online assessment to identify and measure biopsychosocial issues that delay recovery from injury/illness. Further information on this tool can be provided on request. 

Mediation and conflict resolution: This is provided by senior rehabilitation consultants who have been specifically trained in mediation and conflict resolution.  Accreditation is obtained through

Non-standardised Functional Assessments: These are informal assessments which are task specific and completed at the workplace to observe an injured workers performance of specific tasks relevant to their job role.  The assessments are useful as they assess only relevant and specific job tasks.  The outcomes can be used to provide feedback to the treating Doctor, develop suitable duties programs, and facilitate upgrades in work capacity.

Functional Education and Manual Handling Training: Functional education can be provided at the workplace to ensure correct manual handling techniques are being applied to ensure durability of return to work.  This can also involve making recommendations for task modification strategies which may be useful for all employees not only the injured worker.

Job Dictionaries: These can be developed to document the physical and psychological demands of all jobs within an organisation to help both the employer and the treating professionals involved.  A job dictionary:

  • Details maximum physical job demands, which can be used to guide treatment goals and the return to work process.
  • Details the routine physical and psychological demands of all jobs, and provides suggestions regarding potential modifications that may be implemented as part of a suitable duties program.
  • Can reduce the need for individual Workplace Assessments decreasing individual claim costs and time delays.



18000-73422 (REHAB)

Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

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